SciMet, LLC


Metallurgical Consulting Services

Metallurgy of laser weld

Above: Laser beam keyhole weld in refractory metal. 


Right. Clockwise: Pulsed laser weld joining additively manufactured to wrought stainless steel; multi-layer explosively clad weld joint; high carbon steel grain structure; and sigma phase formation in duplex stainless steel.

SciMet, LLC provides metallurgical consulting services in:

  •     Electron Beam Welding and Diagnostics

  •     Laser Beam Welding and Diagnostics
  •     Microelectronics Soldering
  •     Vacuum Brazing and Diffusion Bonding
  •     Heat Treating
  •     Failure Analysis
  •     Material Properties and Selection
  •     Materials Characterization
  •     Microstructure Interpretation:
Metallurgy of steel welds
Metallurgy of vacuum braze and titanium weld